Bring back those moments


I miss all those little things about us;

The things that made us strong,

Those made us do a promise of forever

Those which dreams were made of

Can we remember, that love was ours,

Coated with rainbow colors and sunshine

Can we bring back that dream again,

And let go of the pain and heartache?

I miss all those little things we used to do

I miss those little things we shared

I miss those people whom we were

And also the people we could be

Let’s take a moment to rewind and remember,

Walk down that memory lane once again

And bring back that joy we felt together

To this moment, forever and ever

Through my tears..

Through my falling tears, I beg you
To understand my hurting heart
With my breaking heart, I wish
For this hurt to stop forever
It can take no more
It cannot go on any more
I am not asking you to love me
But to just to show some mercy
To take that last blow
Which will sever all ties
So that this hurt will stop
If not today, someday!

Like blank paper


We were created like blank paper
More white like milk, pure like rain
Then, people walk into our lives
Take that pen by the side
And each of them make their mark
Some write, some just glance around,
Some erase what they wrote,
Leaving us never the same
Some of the marks run deep,
Some just touch the surface
Some start new stories,
And some complete the stories
And we change therefore
And change continues every day!

I miss us


Remembering how time stood still
Moments passed without us knowing
When in each other’s arms is the only place
We wanted to be…forever

I miss the old you and the old me –
Our dreams, hopes and desires
The us who could just sit and talk
And never run out of topics to discuss
Or sit in silence for hours and hours
Just content the way we were

I miss us so deeply that it hurts inside
Remembering how it used to be…
When nothing in the world mattered
But just us – just you and me
Can we bring back the you and me
To this moment forever and ever?