Thank you for being there…


Thank you for being there
Help me see sense in worst possible moments
Making me smile when all I wanted was cry
Laughing together till our stomach hurts
Being there, hearing me talk and just listen
Without offering meaningless advice
A hand to hold, a face to see
When future looked hopeless
And all life brought was storms and rain
Above all, thank you for being you
Never changing who you truly are
Understanding me without terms and conditions
And never trying to change who I really am
How do I ever tell you what you mean to me
So, let me just thank you for now
For being there when I needed you the most

Through my tears..

Through my falling tears, I beg you
To understand my hurting heart
With my breaking heart, I wish
For this hurt to stop forever
It can take no more
It cannot go on any more
I am not asking you to love me
But to just to show some mercy
To take that last blow
Which will sever all ties
So that this hurt will stop
If not today, someday!